The Basics Behind Engine Tune-Up Services at Klenzman Tire
In the past, engine tune-ups were much more time consuming because they required a motorist to check a variety of parts. Engine tune-ups formerly included checking the distributor, cap, rotor, ignition contact points, condensers, carburetors, and more. Today, these items are generally no longer included in engine tune-ups because a vehicle’s electronic control unit controls the engine timing. While not as many parts need to be checked today, engine tune-ups still include the inspection of a variety of components. These include spark plugs and wires, oil and oil filters, and fuel filters. Regular tune-ups will ensure your engine is running efficiently and reliably. Engine tune-ups can help prevent breakdowns and extend the life of an automobile. A well-tuned engine will help keep a vehicle operating at maximum performance levels, which is why routine maintenance is so important.